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What is RMM Software | Remote Monitoring and Management  

What is RMM Software | Remote Monitoring and Management  

What is RMM Software: In a hyper-connected world, the ability to monitor and manage IT infrastructures remotely has become indispensable for businesses of all sizes.  

Remote Monitoring and Management solutions enable organizations to manage their clients’ IT systems even when they are not physically there, ensuring the efficiency of the system, protection against cyber threats, and continuity of operations.  

In this article, we’re providing readers with a deep understanding of what is RMM software, what are its main features and benefits, as well as some important recommendations about how to recognize the best RMM solutions out there.  

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What is RMM Software?  

RMM software is a program that enables MSPs (Management Service Providers) and IT service providers to monitor and manage their clients’ IT systems remotely.

An RMM software solution provides It professionals with a suite of functionalities that allow them to monitor and intervene in servers, workstations, network infrastructures, and more, regardless of their physical location. 

Even though RMM software can be used to fix issues remotely – without sending a technician on-site – its primary objective is always monitoring and maintenance.

When potential issues are identified in advance, the organization is ensured with continuity of operations, cost reduction, and resource optimization. 

Key features of RMM solutions 

How does RMM software perform remote monitoring and control over IT systems? 

  • Remote Monitoring: It provides real-time metrics, parameters, and data to monitor networks, devices, servers, workstations, and more. It also collects and analyzes data giving the administrator a tool to identify potential issues proactively. 
  • Alerts and Notifications: RMM software generated alerts based on predefined events or thresholds, such as hardware failures, compliance violations, security breaches, and more.
  • Automation: RMM software allows users to set routines to automate tasks like antivirus scans, updates, backups, and others. 
  • Patch Management: RMM software allows administrators to schedule and deploy patches for operating systems, applications, and firmware, both manually and automatically. 
  • Security: RMM solutions include features that help protect systems from potential threats like data loss or cyber-attacks. These features are antivirus and antimalware, firewall management, vulnerability scanning, and more. 
  • Compliance: RMM software is also a tool that facilitates the process of maintaining systems compliant with regulations. Processes can be done automatically reducing potential human error and costs. 
  • Report: Last but not least, RMM solutions create reports, useful to keep track of performances, and actions, and to share data with clients and other stakeholders. 

Benefits of RMM software 

The deployment of RMM software allows organizations to work more efficiently, optimizing resources, which translates into increased productivity in less time and reduced costs. 

This is a comprehensive overview are the main benefits of RMM software. 

Prevention: Waiting for an IT technician to physically come and solve issues is a waste of time that affects our organization’s productivity hugely. With RMM software constantly monitoring performance and metrics, issues are not awaited and fixed best prevented. 

Minimal downtime: When issues are prevented, IT systems can significantly reduce downtime. IT systems downtime can lead to huge losses: operations can’t be done, customers can’t contact the business, and payment can’t be used… these are just a few examples of problems that IT downtime can generate and that RMM solutions can prevent. 

Increased security: Security must be a priority for organizations that employ IT systems. Cyberattacks aren’t the only threats, there is also data loss, among others.

RMM software constantly monitors security parameters and sends alerts in case any issues occur so that IT professionals can intervene before any damage is made. 

Reduced Time and Expenses: RMM makes work easier. When a problem arises, a technician is immediately available: there is no waiting time, no travel expenses, and the overall time the IT professional spends on fixing the issue is reduced, which also translates into reduced fees.  

Reporting: RMM software can produce automated reports. They are important to share information, keep track of any project, and make informed decisions.  

Increased Productivity: every benefit we’ve described so far contributes to enhancing the organization’s productivity. RMM solutions always increase the efficiency of the organization that deploys them.  

What makes a good RMM?  

RMM is a category that includes many solutions. Datto RMM, for example, is a cloud based RMM software tool known for its advanced features and intuitive use. But what make a good RMM software tool? 

  1. Ease of Setup and Admin: A good RMM should offer an intuitive interface that allows easy setup and administration. On a day-to-day use, being able to set up options, check parameters, and understand new functionalities in an easy and quick way makes all the difference.  
  1. Device Management: A high-quality RMM should allow administrators to monitor and manage a wide range of endpoints: workstations, servers, mobile devices, network infrastructures, and more.  
  1. Remote Live Monitoring: It must be a core functionality of your RMM solution. It should provide real-time metrics on the status and performance of the IT infrastructures.  
  1. Patch Management: your RMM should allow administrators to automate the deployment of security patches and other updates.  
  1. Remote Access: It is essential to allow administrators to intervene in the infrastructures remotely and fix issues when needed.  
  1. Quality Support: Finally, you want to pick an RMM solution that provides quality and knowledgeable support.  

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Benefits of RMM for online and IT-based businesses  

1.Proactive approach  

Traditional IT management is “reactional”. When an issue occurs, the company contacts its IT service provider that sends a technician to fix the problem.  

With RMM, instead, IT management becomes proactive, meaning that it is focused on preventing problems through continuous monitoring and maintenance. With this approach, businesses can avoid downtimes and maintain IT management-related costs stable over time.  

2.Enhanced security  

Any organization that relies on IT infrastructure needs to deal with cyber security.   

When speaking of cyber security, many wrongly tend to limit the problem to threats like malware and cyber-attacks. However, any IT infrastructure is also subject to other types of risks: data losses, data leaks, and more… Imagine being a medium-sized e-commerce and having all your clients’ personal data (including credit card numbers) exposed because of a security problem.  

Businesses of all sizes must prevent these issues and guarantee their customers’ privacy, other than the security of their own systems.   

RMM ensures that these aspects are prioritized with continuous monitoring and updates.  

3.Optimization of resources and costs  

RMM provides businesses with opportunities to reduce costs in two main ways:  

  • By preventing issues instead of fixing them once they’ve occurred, it allows businesses to save money on repair expenses. It also avoids money losses due to malfunctions and downtimes.  
  • Because RMM allows IT professionals to intervene in IT infrastructures remotely, IT management costs are reduced. A technician that once a month comes to the facility to run controls and updates has certainly a higher cost than one that can keep a constant eye on the business IT from their location and doesn’t need to come on-site for updates. 


RMM software provide the best solutions to optimize IT management. Every business that deals with IT infrastructures of any kind should rely on an MSP that deploys RMM solutions to guarantee continues monitoring and updates, defense against threats, and continuity of operations. 

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